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Pigment Dispersions for Textile Printing & Dyeing
Position :Home> Porducts > Pigment Dispersions for Textile Printing & Dyeing
Golden Yellow,TF-3204 創作者:admin 頒布時刻:2023-12-26

Printing pigment paste series products select high-quality pigments at home and abroad and adopt new dispersants to produce high performance pigment paste, which is mainly used in the coloring of textiles. This series of products have the following advantages characteristics:        

1. Bright color and good stability of the system.                                                                    2. The color paste has high pigment content and high coloring ability.                                                                             3. Good chemical stability.                                                 4. Good particle fineness and narrow particle size distribution.                                                                        5. It is widely used in all kinds of textile products.                                                                      

Product Features:                                                          

?Particle size:D90≤0.5 um(500 nm)                                 ?Lonic type:Anion                                                       ?Best shelf life:12 months(5-40℃)                                ?PH Value:6-10                                                                  ?Appearance:Low viscosity colored liquid                                          ?package specification:30kg/1000kg                                            ?Main ingredients:Orangic pigments and Inorangic pigments, wetting agent, dispersant and water.
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